Data Data Data!:
Why Analytics are the Key to Better Learning

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Ensuring learning solutions will have the desired impact on an organization - and being able to measure that impact - is not always easy. Understanding the business problems that L&D is helping to fix and what difference those solutions make can only be achieved with the right analysis and insights. So, choosing a learning system to add into an existing ecosystem should be more about data, data, data than it currently is.

In this paper, Fosway Group will discuss what L&D needs to consider in terms of data and analytics - including what has been missing in many legacy systems - in order to demonstrate value to the business and feed insights back into learning at every stage.

It will explore:

  • Data input: The importance of the right data to ensure relevant personalization of learning recommendations and how to get it.
  • Data analysis: System capabilities that analyze and visualize insights to drive feedback and power continuous learning.
  • Data output: Data-based decision making to ensure there are measurable and impactful results on the business.

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