
The world of workplace learning and career development continues to evolve. Many organizations now offer a blended approach to learning with instructor led training as well as online courses to keep their workforce on the cutting edge. However, as outlined in this new research brief, great learning experiences don’t always equal great outcomes. So, what is the real problem with workplace learning? Hint: it’s not content.

At Providence St. Joseph Health, the Learning and Development team provides award-winning learning content to their workforce – however, engagement still proves to be low. In order to boost learner engagement, PSJH describes the need to transform their programs to provide a more learner-centric experience.

This brief follows the journey from identifying key challenges in today’s approach to workplace learning, to finding unique, innovative solutions that improve career development strategies and save the organization millions of dollars annually. Specifically, the team at Providence St. Joseph Health investigates three learning disruption case studies in this brief, asking, “What if…”

  • Learning was nano-sized?
  • Learning was shareable and personalized?
  • Learning Design was based on data?

Download this brief to learn more about how innovative technology is improving workplace learning and impacting business results.